Scheduling: What Classes you Should Take
Students in grades nine through eleven are already currently in the process of scheduling next year’s classes. Although the stress of planning for your future may seem overwhelming, upperclassmen have plenty of advice for students who can’t figure out what to do.
Senior Alex Ludwig advised, “Take as many lunch periods as possible.” This may seem like a joke at first, but many seniors double up on their lunch periods so they can have a longer time to go out without having to worry about travel time. If you have a free period in next year’s schedule, try to place it before or after your first lunch period. Many seniors also enjoy a senior period, which is a free period during first period, so they don’t have to come in until second. This is beneficial for late sleepers or students who are habitually late. Early release is another option where your free period is during ninth, so students can leave early. This works best for students that don’t normally have after school activities that they would have to come back for.
Many students also struggle with which AP classes to take. “Take APES and APUSH, they’re the easiest.” said junior Brandon Bestany. Although you may think that taking easy classes will look bad on applications, the fact that you’re taking an AP at all puts you above other students. Also, if you take an easier AP class, you’re more likely to do well on the test, therefore you’re more likely to get the college credit. Plus, students who take on too many challenging APs, like Calculus and Physics, end up not having time to study enough for every class.
AP Seminar is another big topic of conversation among current freshmen. The class is fairly new; this is only it’s first year at BHS, so not many know about it. When asked what type of student should take this class, teacher Mr. Malossi said it should be “a student who likes to work with others, in a real world environment.” The class focuses on research and presentation of various topics.
If you’re having trouble creating your schedule, talk to teachers, students who have taken the class, or your guidance counselor to see what the best fit is for you. Schedule sheets are due this Friday, so make sure all your questions are answered as soon as you can.

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