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The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

Jillian Leavey

Jillian Leavey, Editor-in-Chief, Technical Director

Jill Leavey encompasses every American stereotype there is, and every one there isn’t. She loves her dog and all dogs, dislikes her aunt’s cats and all cats, sips on fine teas...but never coffee. She frequently overextends herself in all aspects of school life, home life and social life, and you can pre-order front row tickets to her annual mid-term mental breakdown extravaganza. Do not fear though, Jill says it is all worth it and would advise anyone not to take their high school experience for granted. In her scarce spare time, Jill can be found at the beach, on a snowy mountain top or by the poolside working on her burn. Also, Jill does not recognize the Oxford comma because she is stubborn, and this bio was written entirely in Comic Sans.

All content by Jillian Leavey
Fashion Trip to FIT and Macy's

Fashion Trip to FIT and Macy’s

Jillian Leavey, Editor-in-Chief
April 6, 2016

Activities Fair

Jillian Leavey, Editor-in-Chief
October 8, 2015
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