Blood Drive Both Disappointing and Encouraging for BHS

On Tuesday, December 15th, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm,  the Student Civic Key Club sponsored a blood drive in the BHS Auxiliary Gym. 64 students volunteered to donate blood.

Student Civic adviser and blood drive coordinator Mr. Lynch and the New York Blood Center anticipated sixty students would volunteer and donate. However, in true Bethpage fashion, students and faculty members exceeded expectations.

“A record number of people turned out to donate,” Mr. Lynch said.

Perhaps some students and faculty were compelled to donate because of the coveted prize. The thirty-fourth donor, Yusuf Ekici, received a gift basket full of New York Blood Center paraphernalia and a Dunkin Donuts giftcard.

Because the blood drive was understaffed, some students waited up to three hours to donate blood, and 25 students were turned away during 6th period. Additionally, some would-be donors were denied at the medical check point for reasons such as recent piercings, low iron, low body weight, and other ailments.

Some faculty members and students could not be reached for comment as merely mentioning blood induces dizzy spells and projectile vomiting. Certain individuals avoided the auxiliary gym at all costs that day, rerouting their schedule. “I was on my way to Mr. Franzke’s office and felt myself getting light-headed, so I grabbed my water and swigged it,” the famously blood-phobic Mr. Malossi said.

To ensure the annual spring blood drive runs smoothly in contrast to this one, Mr. Lynch has taken necessary precautions. “New York Blood Center, our partner for this event, has promised us more staffing,” said Mr. Lynch.

With a more prepared staff and fully functional equipment, Student Civic hopes to break a BHS record next time, exceeding 100 donors.  

The Student Civic club wished to extend its appreciation for all the students who tried to donate this time around.

“The response by the students and faculty was amazing,” said Mr. Lynch.