Mr. Barden’s Advice for Freshmen
Most underclassmen at BHS know Mr. Barden. A more recent addition to the language department, Mr. Barden has educated and inspired students for the past few years both in the classroom as a Spanish teacher and during Freshmen class meetings as an advisor. The Eagle’s Cry sat down with Mr. Barden to ask for his advice and tips for freshmen at BHS.
The Eagle’s Cry: How was your summer? Are you excited to be back to school?
Mr. Barden: “My summer was great! I’m very excited to be back to school. It’s very nice to see a new group of freshmen and I always enjoy seeing my students grow and get older and taller than me. I’m happy to be back in this great community.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What were you most nervous about when you were a freshman in high school?
Mr Barden: “I think what I was most nervous about was finding a group to fit in with and finding my place because when you get to high school you are the youngest and everything seems bigger.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What would you tell a freshman not to worry about?
Mr Barden: “I would tell a freshman not to worry about fitting in. What I was most worried about was something you shouldn’t be worried about at all because a school like Bethpage High School has so many great qualities that make it easy for students to fit in.”
The Eagle’s Cry: Why should freshmen join Freshmen class and other clubs?
Mr. Barden: “For Freshman class I think it’s great because you have the ability to create ideas for your grade. As the advisor I want the kids to come up with their own ideas and make dreams a reality. And for other clubs, the great thing about Bethpage is that there’s a club for almost every interest.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What would you say are the highlights of freshmen year?
Mr Barden: “Getting to know the faculty and the staff, and building relationships with friends and teachers. You are able to pave a road for the next three years of high school.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What is your #1 tip for the new freshmen at BHS?
Mr. Barden: “My number one tip is just to be yourself, be positive and be optimistic. Everyday is an adventure at BHS and the great thing about this school is that everyone is able to be themselves. Just be happy with who you are.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What would you say is the biggest difference between middle school to high school?
Mr. Barden: “The biggest difference is the opportunities that come with high school. The ability to do different clubs and different ways to prepare students for the future.There are a lot of different classes and clubs that draw students’ interests.”
The Eagle’s Cry: If you had the chance to be a freshman in high school again what would you do differently?
Mr.Barden: “When I was younger I wasn’t as outgoing as I am now. I would try to be the person that I am now, which is more positive and energetic.”
The Eagle’s Cry: What could be done freshmen year in order to set yourself up for success in high school?
Mr.Barden: “I think getting into a routine and knowing what works best for you is the best way to do well. When I was a freshman in high school I got into a routine to help know what works for me and how to better myself for years to come.”
The Eagle’s Cry: Do you miss the freshmen you taught last year?
Mr.Barden: “Absolutely. I think the great thing about the freshmen I had last year is that they were so excited and always had smiles on their faces. The best thing about last year is that when the masks were lifted I was able to see those smiles and see how happy they all were. It was easy with that class to know why I loved teaching.”
As you can see, there is nothing to fear about freshmen year. Bethpage High School is a welcoming community with many opportunities for students and lots of help from teachers and staff such as Mr. Barden.

Sophia is a senior at Bethpage High School. This is her third year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She enjoys dancing and spending time with friends and...

Olivia is a senior at Bethpage High School. This is her third year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She loves to travel and spend her free time with family...