BHS News: A Year of Features

BHS News, your very own daily morning news live broadcast here at Bethpage High School, is reaching its final installment for the 2022-2023 school year. This year featured a lot of new faces to not only the anchor desk, but also numerous post-news features. Those such as Marnes Richmond, Dean Drosos, James McGlynn, and even Dennis Freiberg along with others gave their best effort to entertain their fellow peers at BHS, by making various comedic segments. 

With another great year for BHS News wrapping up, now is a great time to step back, and highlight a few of the noticeable features created that made this an unforgettable year for BHS News


BHS News Weather Report with Dennis Freiberg  

BHS News Weather Report with Dennis Freiberg was an ongoing education/comedic bit, its first episode premiering on 9/28/22, and lasting throughout the year, its final episode being on 6/7/23.  

This was not your average weather report, and Dennis Freiberg was not your average meteorologist, to say the least. Although it started out relatively normal, with only a few jokes snuck in here and there, the slow slowly added themes to each report. Different themes such as and old-timey silent film, Halloween/Christmas episodes, Fortnite, March Madness, cryptic horror, and even an entire multi-episode storyline involving himself taking down the Chinese weather balloon, which can also be seen in depth in: Dennis Freiberg: BHS Weather-Related HERO, another of my articles. 

Freiberg’s weather report was beloved by all fans, students and teachers alike, which is how it was able to run throughout the duration of the school year. Freiberg’s return as BHS Weatherman is possible for next year, but only time will tell. As Freiberg himself would like to leave you with, his ultimate message: Wear your clothes.  


Guessing Diaz’s Snack  

Strongly influenced by the Guessing Eich’s Lunch series on the TikTok page of BDGE, Guessing Diaz’s Snack was a feature that was shown on Fridays, a total of five installments from 10/21/22 through 11/23/23. 

Guessing Diaz’s Snack greatly showed that not all BHS News features can be “bangers.” The main premise being 4 recurring guessers, Aidan Devine, Joey Luperello, Marianna Spathis, and Frankie Hance, giving some deliberation about what snack BHS Student, Jayden Diaz, would bring in, all having their own individual ideas to compete against each other in hopes of correctly guessing the snack and obtaining a better record to their competitors. 

Critically, Guessing Diaz’s Snack was a flop. It failed to go over well with mostly students at BHS, and it didn’t help that no one was victorious in guessing Diaz’s snack in any episode, and each guesser left with a record of 0-5. The feature was scrapped due to negative feedback.  


Bad Ideas with Marnes 

Created based on members of the BHS News Studio Crew not having many ideas, Marnes Richmond created an idea of a bit that he would barge in the room, giving a poor and less than ideal feature idea, and then making his friends James McGlynn and Dean Drosos actually do it for comedic value.

Episodes such as Milkbang, where James and Dean drank a gallon of milk before darting to the bathroom, or even starting a family, where James and Dean got into some serious domestic issues. Finally, the crossover with BHS News Weather Report with Dennis Freiberg, where Marnes attempts to save the weather by sacrificing McGlynn to the goblin who resigns in the BHS basement. 

Although only having three installments, Bad Ideas with Marnes was a great feature to say the least, going over well with BHS Students. Those included will be dearly missed at BHS. 


Farewell, McRib

This feature, only being a “one and done,” was still a hit. Marnes Richmond drove to the “McMansion” during his lunch period, after hearing that the McRib is back in the McDonald’s menu for the final time, and gave his review. 

The review is preceded by a montage of news reports talking about the McRib’s titular return, before showing Marnes pull into the McMansion. Although the McRib got a negative review, prompting Marnes to say “It’s not good,” the video in its entirety was a fun way to wish the controversial McDonald’s item goodbye. 


2022 Holiday Lip Sync

The annual BHS Holiday Lip Sync had All I Want for Christmas is You, by Mariah Carey, over a montage of students, teachers, and faculty, lip syncing their lines in a fun and festive way.   

Aired twice, on the Thursday and Friday before BHS’s winter break, this year’s annual Lip Sync went over very well, and you can read further in Evi Tzortzatos and Emily Betwinek’s article titled, The 2022 BHS News Holiday Lip Sync

These were just a few of the features aired on BHS News from the 2022-2023 year, and after June 9th’s final broadcast that will feature a solemn retrospective video, the wait for BHS News’ return will begin.