Goodbye, Glowing Apple: The Fall of a Familiar Icon


The iconic Apple logo on the back side of Apple’s newer laptop screens can no longer illuminate a dark room, as the company serenely removed this function. Whereas some individuals never appreciated the glowing logo and therefore, support this new movement, others have purchased these laptops just because of the fascinating function. Why would Apple remove such a remarkable function?

Apple never disclosed why they took this initiative, but several theories exist. The Apple logo shines bright as a result of screen light from the front screen passing through a cutout. But, as Apple continues to design laptops with thinner, more leaner screens, the amount of space available to incise an Apple behind the screen decreases, which may serve as a probable reason for its removal. 

“Oh, that sucks,” Michael Hanley, a senior at Bethpage High School, commented.

Others suggest that Apple received free advertising in movies and shows when actors utilized their products. Some movies would attempt to hide the logo to prevent viewers from speculating the promotion of Apple products.

“We need to move on,” said Mr. Malossi, an English teacher at Bethpage High School.

But, whatever the reason may be, this illuminating light will no longer assist us in burning the midnight oil.