BHS Seniors Take Manhattan
On Monday, May 18th, 2015, BHS seniors descended upon Manhattan for the annual senior seminar scavenger hunt. Leading the charge was the fearless Mr. Lynch, who assigned groups specific tasks. As for winners, there could be only one.
For round one, students began with a sheet full of clues for locations like the LOVE statue and the flatiron building. Students roved in packs around the greatest city in the world, trying to check all the boxes on their sheets.
Once a group accumulated 850 points in the first round, it was allowed to move on to round two. The challenges were “embarrassing and awkward” according to seniors in the know. They included performing songs, dancing for strangers, and faking an earthquake.The weirder it was, the more points you got. A few pictures below captured a couple of these embarrassing moments.
“The embarrassing challenges were the most fun,” said Amanda Bogue, “Playing duck, duck, goose in the middle of a park was my favorite part.”
One group of seniors stopped by a fire station and got a fireman to slide down a pole. You’ll find the picture below this article. Sadly, the seniors in the group weren’t allowed to go on it for ‘liability’ reasons. One member had to put on their gear in order to fulfill the challenge, which weighs a whopping 45 pounds. It was nice to be able to thank the people who keep our city safe in person.
‘“I have to say, we had a pretty awesome group,” beams Priya Shah, president of our senior class.
The unanimous consensus: The 2015 Senior Sem trip was a resounding success.
Trip coordinator Mr. Lynch said, “I think everyone had a great time. Even though it was a really big group, the chaperones did a great job. Everyone had fun and learned their way around New York City.

Stephanie Shamah is a senior at Bethpage High School and a proud member of the Varsity Nap Team. In her spare time, when she isn’t practicing or writing...

Noelle is a senior at Bethpage High School with a severe and tragic case of senioritis. Sadly, she’s been battling this dreaded condition for the past...

Erin Groom, currently a senior at Bethpage High school. She was recently voted to be “Everyone’s Buddy” in the class superlatives. She enjoys contributing...

Emily Ganshaw is a Bethpage High School Senior. She serves as Opinion-editorial editor for The Eagle’s Cry. She plans to continue the fine tradition...