On April 5th 2024, there was an earthquake that shook students and staff up in Bethpage High School. Most students were going about their normal day in their classes when they felt the vibrations, there was a big shake, then minor shaking after.
While it only lasted a few seconds, it definitely shook things up not only in BHS, but also other parts of the east coast. The earthquake came from New Jersey and the magnitude was 4.8.
Many students expressed their concern, others excited because this was their first earthquake. Nora Kerrigan, a junior at BHS said she thought it was “so cool” while Eva Neamonitis, another junior at BHS said she was “distraught” and thought “the world was going to end.”
The Eagle’s Cry interviewed students and adults in the school to find out what they thought of the earthquake.
Kim, a worker in the kitchen, acknowledged that she “felt the earthquake” but she “didn’t know what it was.” Bethpage hasn’t had an earthquake in 13 years, so this is definitely a moment to remember.
A junior at BHS, Charlotte Cagna, revealed that she “actually” felt the earthquake “in her Italian classroom.” Charlotte “looked at the aux gym” and “saw the windows shaking,” she later claimed that “her desk shook after that.” In her math class earlier in the day, Charlotte Cagna was playing “natural disasters” so she believes that she “caused the earthquake.”
When asked if she felt the earthquake, a senior Bailey Horowitz answered “yes and it was really cool.” Bailey also revealed that it was her “first earthquake.”
Right after the earthquake had occurred, Mr. McCourt ran into Mr. Lynch’s room claiming that “he caused the earthquake” because he “sneezed.” What a jokester!
From the ears of others, we have learned that this was on junior Marco Perla’s, “bucket list.”
Ultimately, we can all agree that this was one eventful day for Bethpage.