Bethpage Girls Varsity Soccer: Rising to the Top
The girls’ varsity soccer team is flying through this season with an overall record of 6 wins, 0 losses and 4 ties. The girls are coached by Jillian Mulholland who played soccer at MacArthur High School in Levittown. Mulholland is just what the girls needed to steer them in the right direction for a successful season. Mulholland had been a part of the State Championship team while playing at MacArthur High School. Mulholland’s past experience of being a varsity player, a college athlete and a State Champion has helped her become a valuable asset to the girls soccer team.
The girls varsity soccer team is currently in 1st place in their conference, with only 6 games left in the regular season, they are hoping to clinch onto that 1st place spot as they move forward with the rest of the season. Every girl has a role on the team that helped them get to the place where they are right now. The energy from the girls watching and the girls playing is what motivates them to keep going and to keep pushing throughout the entire game.
There has been a couple of games where the team has been in a position where they were losing for a majority of the game, but ended up pulling themselves together to get that win or even a tie. Mulholland even told the girls that she loves that they can “always manage to find a way to win even if we are losing”. A perfect example of this is the girls game against New Hyde Park on Friday September 14th. New Hyde park started off strong and had scored 2 goals in the
first half, putting them ahead for the 2nd half against Bethpage. That was up until Carly Issing scored 3 goals including the game winner to put Bethpage ahead of New Hyde Park. The girls soccer team is one to watch, Patrick Kerrigan who has come to a few games describes the girls as a “ high speed, skilled team with a lot of chemistry “.
On Newsdays Statistical leaders for girls soccer, 3 of the Bethpage soccer girls have made there up on the leaderboard. Carly Issing with 8 goals and 2 assists and Ashlynn McGrorty with 4 goals and 4 assists have both made it up on there for scoring leaders.
Giulianna Lavocca, the goalie, has made 96 saves putting her in 4th place for the county. Soon hoping to clinch that #1 spot for the most saves which is 104 saves.
Despite some of the girls playing on outside teams, even on Sundays when the school team is off, they always come in every Monday ready to work and practice for the games they have in the upcoming week. If you haven’t made it to a game this season you should try your best to get to one. You are guaranteed to watch a high intensity game with a team of girls who love the game.

Alexa McDougall is a senior at Bethpage High School. She is on varsity soccer & has been playing for over 10 years. Alexa is a very hard-working student...