If you’re wondering what you should do on March 13th, 14th, and 15th- come see the Bethpage High School Masquers Guild’s production of The Drowsy Chaperone! I know the show is not a well-known musical, but I promise it’s worth going to see.
The musical was written in the 2000s, and is narrated by the Man in Chair, played by Ben Maciel-Seidman. He plays the record of an old musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, and transports the audience to every scene and song in the show. It’s a musical inside a musical, something rarely seen before.
There are FOUR shows total: one each night and a matinee show on Saturday. The evening shows begin at 7 pm and the matinee show begins at 2 pm. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased online now at booktix.com (scan the code in the image) or at the door.
Look at the BHS drama club’s Instagram (@bhsmasquersguild) to see the progress we’ve made these past few months.
The set for the show has been one of the best sets ever at Bethpage High School, and the students and staff who are in this production have worked endlessly to make this show the best it possibly could be.
We appreciate every audience member who comes to see our musical, so please come see The Drowsy Chaperone in two weeks!! I promise you won’t be disappointed!