Ed. Note: This story is posted primarily the Opinion/Editorial section of The Eagle’s Cry.
Starting in 2025, the library staff came out with a new rule—No Phones in the Library!
For many BHS Students, the library was once the ideal spot to spend your lunch period, free period, or place to get homework done.
The library has one classroom used for AP Seminar; other than that there is less class activity than the rest of the building throughout the day. Students across BHS are furious over the new rule, because they feel having their phones in the library does not cause any harm. Additionally, students are upset because they feel they should be allowed to spend their free time how they choose.
One BHS junior, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, “I go to the library when I have nothing to do. If I don’t have work, I like to use my phone. If I can’t just sit and relax in the library, then I’ll probably just roam the halls instead.”
To add insult to injury, when you hand over your phone you receive a card giving you things to do without your phone.
Another student said, “The note card ⦍pictured above⦎ is just condescending, I just want to listen to my music while I do my homework and studying. I don’t need their alternate activities.”
Senior, Eva Neominitis “First off, we can’t eat in the library and since I don’t have a car I need to go there. Even worse, I can’t use my phone now. Why am I being punished for not having a car?”
Another anonymous BHS student said, “I don’t have friends in the same lunch period so I don’t have anyone to talk to. I used to go to the library instead of sitting alone at lunch but I guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to go now.”
A main argument in favor of phones in schools is to keep in touch in the event of an emergency, like the bomb threat to BHS last year.
BHS English teacher Mr. Malossi feels differently: “Police across the country have confirmed that phones confuse rescue efforts and safety when kids are texting and tweeting about events in real time. In fact, you might remember this happened in our school earlier this year.”
With all of these differing opinions, the perfect person to ask is the person who enacted this new rule: BHS Librarian Mrs. Bertrand-Loesch.
In an interview with BHS Librarian Mrs. Bertrand-Loesch, The Eagle’s Cry asked about a potential dip in lib-
rary attendance. Initially, Mrs. B-L explained that there was a brief dip in attendance, but she’s hoping that it will rise. Minutes after the interview, we received an email from Mrs. B-L changed the narrative concerning daily library attendance.
She explained, “I reviewed library attendance since implementing the new policy and at present our attendance has leveled off to pre-policy numbers. I’m heartened to see this, since many of our students seem to be discovering all that the library has to offer and engaging with each other in positive ways. In addition to providing a welcoming space to do schoolwork, read, and socialize, our library also offers games, craft items, printing, and more.”
It’s clear that BHS administrators, teachers, library staff–and even the Governor of New York–are in favor of this new phone rule, but students find it to be disruptive of their daily routines.
What do you think about this new rule at BHS? Leave a comment for us.