As us high schoolers have gotten older, mobile games on our phone have become more popular. Social media such as Snapchat, Instagram and Tik Tok have taken its place. However, there is one game that has remained very popular for most high schoolers. What is that mobile game? Block Blast.
Similar to the popular game Tetris, introduced in 1985, Block Blast consists of an 8×8 plane in which you have to get blocks across or down filling up a whole row or column. Thus they will disappear and you will receive points. Multiple rows/columns can be cleared at once, and if the whole board is cleared, 300 extra points will be rewarded. If your board gets filled up in a way that the blocks you are provided that round do not fit, the game is over and you restart. There is no way to win or get a prize, you just try to get the highest score possible.
So why out of all games is this the most popular? Is it because of its Tetris-like nature? Maybe.
Let’s ask some students at Bethpage High School.
Senior Julia Baumbach’s view on Block Blast is that, “it calms me down after a long day.”
This is a simple and rewarding game that can help the mind unwind.
In addition, senior Katie O’Callaghan said, “It is just so addicting and so fun. I can’t seem to get out of the game…it’s my favorite thing in the world.”
There may be no real reason behind the popularity of this addicting game that has captivated so many high school students, but without a doubt it is very popular.
The students love Block Blast. Let us know your thoughts on the game in the comments if you play…or even if you plan to play!