No matter what, there is a movie genre for you: action, comedy thriller, romance, and many more.
Some movies commonly claimed as the “greatest movies of all time” include The Godfather, Singing in the Rain, Psycho, and Casablanca. However, these movies were the favorites of professional reviewers…millions of viewers, but things change. Let’s see what Bethpage High School students have to say about their favorite movies.
One popular movie among the students is Home Alone, starring Macaulay Culkin, because it has a lot of Christmas spirit and is a fun movie about a kid trying to protect his home in silly ways. Freshman Luke Baumbach claims, “I can quote many lines from it!” Another fan favorite is Flipped, starring Madeline Carroll. Although this movie was mediocre to critics, many people see this as a classic coming-of-age, childhood movie. “You have to see it,” freshman Juliana Ferri said. “It’s my favorite movie!”
However, many people’s favorite movies are not based on how good the movie is, but the actors that star in it. Space Jam: A New Legacy is hated by critics and students alike. However, this doesn’t stop one student from it being her favorite movie.
Freshman Stefania Lal said, “I only like this movie because LeBron’s in it.” This is an example of how some favorite movies from students might not be necessarily good but just have a beloved face in the cast.
Overall, the greatest movies of all time are certainly not favorites of students at BHS, and the regular high schooler has very different opinions than full-time critics. But no matter what the critics say, some movies don’t need to be extraordinary for the film to be loved.
LUKE • Oct 8, 2024 at 11:13 am