The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

BHS Students’ Favorite and Least Favorite Things About Summer


As summer break comes closer and closer, the Eagle’s Cry interviewed Bethpage students about their opinions of summer. Some loved the season, while others… not so much.

Most Favorite Things About Summer

  • Beaches

  Many people often feel more calm when near the ocean like Lauren Como, a sophomore at BHS who remarks on how swimming in the ocean is very fun and relaxing, and it’s like therapy. Some people dislike the beach during the day due to the crowds and the heat, so they prefer to go during sunset or at night,

  • Nature

As flowers are fully in bloom during the summer and animals are out in public, many of the interviewed students at BHS describe their moods to be lifted due to the nature that summer brings. Paridhi Miglani describes the smell of flowers as refreshing. 

  • No School

As the last day of school for BHS comes closer, many students here are excited for June 12 and the start of summer break. Aria Kim’s favorite thing about summer is “everything”. She says she loves “beaches, friends, volunteering, and late night drives.” She can’t wait for school to end, so she has time to do all her favorite activities.

Least Favorite Things About Summer

  • The Heat

With summer comes greuling hot weather. Many students who were interviewed hate hot weather like Tarunjot Kaur, a sophomore, who said “I hate the heat. I physically explode anytime it’s more than 80 degrees outside.”

  • Bugs

Even though insects are small, many people are disgusted or have a huge fear of these little creatures. One sophomore said, “I don’t like mosquitos, but I like fireflies,” so maybe the likeability of these summer bugs depends on which insect group they are a part of.

  • Lack of Motivation

While some people take joy out of summer and do their favorite activities, some students wish that there was something that motivated them during the break for summer homework. One freshman said, “I like summer because there’s no school, but I feel like because of the amount of summer work they give us, I sometimes feel unmotivated, because the feeling of knowing that I have to go to school again, motivates me to do my work.”

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About the Contributor
Tara Gyaltsen
Tara is currently a sophomore at BHS and it is her 2nd year writing for the Eagles Cry. She is a member of the Red Cross Club, Student Council, Students United, and Newspaper Club. Her favorite song is About You by The 1975. She is on the tennis and badminton teams. Her favorite movie is either Shrek 2 or Ratatouille.  

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