The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

Eagle’s Cry Juniors Predict Where They Will Go To College


The Eagle’s Cry is home to 12 wonderful juniors this year who are excited to continue their journalism career through their senior year. In honor of commitment day, we are going to discuss our predictions of where all 12 of this year’s juniors will go to college!

Here’s our predictions:

Julia Baumbach

University of Delaware, studying elementary education


Sophia Lora

Syracuse University, studying business


Olivia Greenfield

University of Florida, studying communications


Zach Fradella

Purdue University, studying aviation flight science


Nora Kerrigan

Lehigh University, studying biology or integrated health and business


Madison Lewin

Clemson University, studying biology


Kaitlyn Ocuto

Case Western University, undecided


Lauren Kachadourian

James Madison University, studying health sciences


Haley Flaherty

Quinnipiac University, studying nursing


Lauren Kelly

SUNY Oneonta, studying elementary education


Eva Neamonitis

University of Tampa, studying marketing or elementary education


Katie O’Callaghan

University of Scranton, studying journalism


We would like to give a shoutout to our current seniors, Joy Kim, who will be studying data science at the Air Force Academy, and James Mertz, who will be studying journalism at Rutgers University this fall. We wish you both the best of luck in college and your future, and for the rest of us, we will be back next year with an update on where the 12 of us ended up!

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About the Contributors
Olivia Greenfield
Olivia Greenfield, Student Life Editor
Olivia is a junior at Bethpage High School. This is her second year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She loves to travel and spend her free time with family and friends. This year she will focus on writing entertainment pieces and student interests at BHS. She also runs The Eagle’s Cry Tik Tok account.
Sophia Lora
Sophia Lora, Student Life Editor
Sophia is currently a Junior at Bethpage High School. This is her second year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She enjoys dancing and spending time with friends and family. This year she plans to concentrate on writing about entertainment and student interests. She also runs The Eagle’s Cry Tik tok account.
Julia Baumbach
Julia is a junior at Bethpage High School. This is her first year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She is on varsity cheerleading and dances competitively. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and traveling.  
Lauren Kachadourian
Lauren Kachadourian is a junior at Bethpage High school. This is her first year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She is currently on girls varsity soccer. She loves hanging out with friends, reading, and spending time with her dog, Flynn.
Lauren Kelly
Lauren Kelly is a junior at Bethpage High school. This her first year on The Eagle’s Cry. She is on varsity volleyball and loves playing basketball, hanging out with her friends/family and sleeping in her free time.
Nora Kerrigan
Nora Kerrigan, News Editor
Nora Kerrigan is a junior at Bethpage High School. This is her second year working on The Eagle’s Cry. She is part of the Bethpage gymnastics, spring track, and cross country teams, she is also captain of the marine fitness team. In her spare time she enjoys reading and hanging out with friends.  
Zach Fradella
Zach Fradella, Sports Editor
Zach Fradella is currently a junior at Bethpage High School. He is in his second year at The Eagle’s Cry. He plays baseball, golf, and soccer. His favorite school subject is American history and he hopes to pursue a career as an airline pilot. He can be found out with friends, riding his bike, or watching Yankee highlights.
Eva Neamonitis
Eva Neamonitis, Entertainment Editor
Eva Neamonitis is a junior at Bethpage High School. She loves writing about sports, movies, and various events at Bethpage. She enjoys going to Florida and hanging out with friends. This is her second year of writing for The Eagle's Cry.
Haley Flaherty
Haley Flaherty is a junior at Bethpage High School. In her free time she enjoys, acting and hanging out with her friends. This is her first year writing for The Eagle's Cry!
Kate O’Callaghan
Kate O’Callaghan is a junior at Bethpage High School. This is her second year on The Eagle’s Cry. She is on varsity kickline and enjoys reading, hanging out with friends/family, and watching shows in her free time.
Madison Lewin
Madison Lewin is a junior at Bethpage High School and this is her first year writing for The Eagles Cry. She loves hanging with her friends, running track and her job at Saf-T-Swim. In her free time she likes to watch Grey’s Anatomy and read. She’s so excited for this year!

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