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The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

BHS Reacts: College Board


If you take AP classes, or even if you just took the PSAT or SAT, you’ve become familiar with College Board, the self defined “non-profit organization that clears a path for all students to own their future through the AP Program, SAT Suite, BigFuture, and more”. 

You’ve also probably become accustomed to just how annoying the organization has been. Personally, this reporter can go on and on, but I’m going to let some other students and faculty members express their opinions on the organization.

Sophomore Tara Gyaltsen reports, “College Board has like a whole monopoly over our education…like, they literally control everything, they’re literally the masterminds behind it…Like I actually kind of like it, it’s just, like, annoying you know.”

AP Seminar and AP Lang. teacher Mr. Malossi has numerous complaints about the organization. “[Although] They make the best tests [and] Their SAT is flawless…I hate them. And the reason why I hate them—and I hate them for a reason, you don’t just hate for no reason. And I don’t use the word hate very often—their website is the worst nightmare of all times. I mean, when I go on their website, I am miserable from the moment I log in. I cannot find any thing ever. I do not know how to navigate it. It is the worst, most least user friendly item or product I have ever seen in my life. 

“When I talk to them on the phone, I don’t like the way they act. They act like they know everything, they act like they own everything…If they had a good website, kids would benefit. ‘Cause they would be able to navigate, they would be able to practice, they would be able to do all these things, but their end—especially their teacher end—is terrible, and they just, you know, they’re not fun to deal with.”

Junior Aleena Hussain comments, “I would agree [with Mr. Malossi]…I think sometimes they underestimate the time that students can actually finish an exam…There are times where students just cannot finish. There are stats about what topics or units students should focus on, and oftentimes the ones which they say students should not study as much are what is mostly on the test, so students cannot transfer that information. And I think a lot of the time, units that are—this is for APUSH and AP World specifically—…a lot of the time there are irrelevant or topics that just aren’t really spoken about that much in the class that come up on the test and throw a lot of students off guard.”

Furthermore, AP US History teacher Mr. Lynch claims, “I don’t like College Board in that they base the entire credit on one test. I don’t like College Board in that I don’t necessarily agree with some of their curriculum decisions, I don’t like [how] some of the things that they say are important are not important. I also question their test making ability because some of the things they ask and don’t ask just seem…arbitrary. If you’re…giving an American history test and certain subjects are on there, that’s a mistake and if certain subjects aren’t on there, that’s a mistake.”

Sophomore Paridhi Miglani claims, “I love College Board, but their courses could be a little less fast-tracked (and please give me a five).”

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Lauren Como
Lauren Como is a sophomore in Bethpage High School, and a reporter for the school’s newspaper, Eagle’s Cry. She enjoys writing immensely and hopes to someday be a journalist/author. Her favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien and favorite book series is A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.

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