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The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Eagles Cry Reviews: The Circle, Season 6


Reality TV shows can be either the worst or best shows to watch. During the Covid-19 lockdown, I became obsessed with the Netflix series The Circle. Since then, 5 more seasons have been released. 

I rarely ever finish a whole episode in the span of a day, let alone binge-watch. But over the seemingly endless Covid-19 lockdown, I watched the entire first season of the show in one day. Maybe that is because it was quarantine and I really was just bored. Since then, my watch time of the show has been very inconsistent, but this new season may have brought me back to being a fan.

What even is The Circle???

The Circle is a show where in the first place, you have to figure out who is a catfish (people disguised as other appearances). For example, many “catfish” as their significant others, a random coworker, or even their siblings. 

You have to talk to the other players by messaging through a TV basically and playing games in order to learn more about other players and gather if they could be a possible catfish. At the end of every episode, the highest voted–popular players–get to vote out whoever they don’t want and “block” them from the circle/send them home. 

This game is mainly just a popularity game and if you are liked and have good alliances, you will win. If you have a good strategy, you will win. With $100,000 on the line for the winners, no promises are being made.

The players do not get to see each other in person unless they get blocked and choose to meet someone OR at the end in the finale. All of the other conversations are strictly through messaging.

Let’s Talk About Season 6!

Season 6 has been absolutely crazy to watch. Imagine getting catfished by someone, but not just someone pretending to be someone else but someone that’s not human?? This season, they brought in AI (artificial intelligence) to play a person on the circle. The scary part is…all of “his” messages seemed way too human-like. 

When the players found out one player was an AI, they accused basically anyone but the actual AI of being AI. 

**Half a spoiler:

My predicted winners for the season were definitely QT or Myles. The winner definitely did shock me.

** Note: There are no quotes in this story since no one watches besides these reporters. We hope that changes!

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About the Contributors
Eva Neamonitis
Eva Neamonitis, Entertainment Editor
Eva Neamonitis is a junior at Bethpage High School. She loves writing about sports, movies, and various events at Bethpage. She enjoys going to Florida and hanging out with friends. This is her second year of writing for The Eagle's Cry.
Haley Flaherty
Haley Flaherty is a junior at Bethpage High School. In her free time she enjoys, acting and hanging out with her friends. This is her first year writing for The Eagle's Cry!

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