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The Eagle's Cry

The Student News Site of Bethpage High School

The Eagle's Cry

The Eagle’s Cry Reviews: The Housemaid

The Eagles Cry Reviews: The Housemaid

Need a good read? The Eagle’s Cry has your back.

The Housemaid is a psychological thriller written by author Freida McFadden, known for writing psychological thrillers. She currently has about twelve books put out, with more to come. This book currently has a sequel called The Housemaid’s Secret and a third book in the series coming out soon called The Housemaid is Watching.

This book takes place in 2022 on Long Island in the home of the Winchesters in which they hired Millie, a live-in maid with a criminal record that they do not know about. At first Nina seems perfectly normal who lives a leisurely, wealthy life with her husband Andrew and daughter Cecelia, until shortly after Millie is hired she acts strange. She purposely makes messes, tells strange lies about her daughter and treats Millie like she’s no one. She makes things confusing and Millie’s job way harder than it has to be, and she treats her husband like he is nothing. Nina becomes known as the local psychopath. Millie falls for him as he is perfect in her eyes, when he falls in love with her as well, things start to crumble between Nina and Andrew in which he kicks her out of the house. Nina starts to taunt Millie after she is thrown out, and it is too late when Millie realizes she is locked in her room in the attic in which the door only locks from the outside.

This book is an emotional rollercoaster with insane plot twists left and right. This book will make you question what’s right and what’s wrong and what to believe. Now some opinions from a couple of 11th grade students who read this book.

Junior Abby O’Hara said, “This book was an incredible thrill, definitely would recommend it, it is worth every minute of your time.”

Secondly junior Julia Baumbach said, “I did not expect the plot twist in this book, it was one of the craziest books I have ever read.”

As clearly seen this book is an all around favorite for Bethpage High School Students. 

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Madison Lewin
Madison Lewin is a junior at Bethpage High School and this is her first year writing for The Eagles Cry. She loves hanging with her friends, running track and her job at Saf-T-Swim. In her free time she likes to watch Grey’s Anatomy and read. She’s so excited for this year!

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