With AP exams coming up this week, The Eagle’s Cry would like to wish all AP students the best of luck on their tests this week. We know all BHS students will do their very best and get the score they deserve.
Nora Kerrigan is taking two AP exams this year and said, “I’ve been studying super hard and hope all of my classmates and I do great on the exams!”
We hope so too, Nora.
We also are aware that this time can be extremely stressful for students, so we recommend on top of studying, all students take time to relax and destress from studying.
Julia Baumbach said, “After I study a lot, going for a walk helps me decompress and calm down.”
That is definitely a great way to take your mind off exams and connect with nature. Bethpage offers many walking trails to students along with other nature-related activities to help with student stress, so we hope everyone feels free to take up those opportunities during these next couple of weeks. Also, guidance is always open for students who feel they need someone to talk to on the topic of stress when it comes to testing or studying.
In any students are wondering when or where their exams are we have added the link to the schedule below:
Once again, we wish all AP students good luck on their exams!