Through the school year, there are many days and breaks students and staff are given to take off school and have a day to relax or celebrate a special holiday. Today, The Eagle’s Cry discusses the top 10 school breaks or days off given to students and staff throughout the year.
- Summer Break– Obviously, this is the best school break because it is over 2 months long and it’s for the entire summer. Right after finals and regents, BHS students and staff get these 2 months to enjoy themselves, their families, and friends all while soaking in the sun the entire summer.
- December Break– Considering this break usually lasts around 10 days and both Christmas and New Years are celebrated during it, December Break is the perfect break in the school year. It falls right when it starts to get cold in New York, making it a great time to relax at home or even travel while celebrating the holidays.
- Spring Break– Right at the end of the school year, BHS students and staff get this amazing break to let them relax right before AP’s, finals, and regents. Nora Kerrigan says, “I love spring break. It lets me chill out before the insanity of tests starts.”.
- February Break– Although this break is only in 4th place, it’s definitely a great one! Lasting only a week, this break is almost like a reward after the hectic midterm week students and teachers go through.
- Memorial Day– Although this day only gives us one day off, it is definitely a favorite. Julia Baumbach says, “It’s so underrated because it’s literally the official start to summer.” Giving students and teachers a little taste of summer, this break is a must.
- Thanksgiving– The reason this break falls so low on the scale is because it’s really only two days and there are so many better ones it compares to. Unless you love turkey and big family dinners, the only good thing about this break is Black Friday.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day– MLK day is one last breath of fresh air before the craziness of midterms sets in. It’s a great long weekend right after December Break that’s perfect for relaxing or even traveling for a quick weekend.
- Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur- Although the majority of Bethpage is not Jewish, we still get these days off, which often (as long as neither of them fall on a weekend) can give us up to 3 days off from school. It’s the perfect little break right at the start of the school year!
- Columbus Day– This October day is perfect for fall-lovers, allowing students to take in the fall weather on their special day off. Columbus Day definitely does not go overlooked by students and teachers.
- Veterans Day– Often forgotten, although extremely important, Veterans Day is a Friday break in November, giving students a 3-day weekend and lots of time to relax. Falling right before Thanksgiving, it’s a little preview to the extra-long weekend students and staff get only 2 weeks later.
Clearly, here at Bethpage, we love our breaks from school and cannot wait for the February break coming up in only 2 short weeks!