While the Halloween season has ended, there could still fear in the air. We interviewed our fellow Eagle’s Cry staff about what their biggest fears are.
Nora Kerrigan, a junior at BHS, claimed that “tsunamis” are her biggest fear. Nora also acknowledged that “there are no tectonic plates” near New York, so it helps her cope with her fear. Additionally, Nora added that she used to “sleep with a string bag under her bed” just in case she “needed to run” from a tsunami. This fear stemmed from her reading the book, “I survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011” which scared her, but also prepared her for the worst.
Another junior at BHS, Olivia Greenfield, revealed that plane crashes and plane bombing cause her feelings of anxiety and fear. “Every time [she] hear[s] a plane go over [her] house” she gets scared because it sounds similar to a bomb. This specific phobia is called aerophobia, and the scientific definition for it is “an abnormal and persistent fear of flying/planes.” People who suffer from this have feelings of severe anxiety even though they usually realize that the flying does not pose a threat commensurate with their fear.
Zach Fradella, a fellow junior at BHS on the Eagles Cry team compares drowning to the feeling of “a roof going over you” as if you are “under a pool.” Zach let us in on his phobia, drowning, and how it has always affected him. “It’s such a scary way of dying, if you’re fully conscious.”
Mr Malossi had very strong opinions about his own fear. He claimed that his first reaction to “seeing a spider is… I’m really scared of that”. He acknowledged that he is “the dad of the house” and he “IMMEDIATELY adjust[s]” to his label and when seeing a spider and “puts it outside and slaughters it.” How brave!
Julia Baumbach states that her biggest fear is “becoming homeless.” Julia states that she likes “feeling safe in her own home” and would never want to give that up.
It is clear that BHS students have some fears, what are yours?