Was Aaron Judge Really Cheating?—The Eagle’s Cry Investigates
On Monday May 15, Aaron Judge was seen glancing over towards the dugout right before he crushed a 462 foot bomb. The Blue Jays were not happy with this and filed a formal complaint to the league, even though Judge said that he did nothing wrong. With all of these theories, the question is raised: was Aaron really cheating?
After the game, many asked Judge what he was looking at and he claims that he looked at the dugout to address his teammates who were chirping at the umpire in a 6-0 ballgame. But, according to the Blue Jays, that is not what happened. The Blue Jays filed an official complaint to the MLB about the incident, but the MLB refused to investigate the home run.
Sophomore Gabby Hernandez opposes the Blue Jays claim, and when asked if she thinks Judge cheated, she argues, “No, not at all. He is the Yankees captain, he wouldn’t do that.”
Yankee fans across the country share similar views regarding the situation. With the MLB refusing to take action, the question lies in the hands of the fan. So, was Aaron Judge really cheating?

Zach Fradella is currently a senior at Bethpage High School. He is in his third year at The Eagle’s Cry and is part of the Head Editorial Team. He plays...