The Eagle’s Cry VERBATIM Interview: Ziggy Cohen
The Golden Eagle’s ‘23 Baseball season is right around the corner, and with practices starting March 13th, now is the perfect time to get a little bit of insight on the overview. The Baseball team won counties 2 years ago, and now we look to continue success in the Fisher era. This Eagle’s Cry interview will be questioning Junior ballplayer Ziggy Cohen, a great teammate and also fantastic ballplayer, who also plays for Long Island’s Dodger Nation outside of Varsity. Here is what Ziggy answered upon being questioned about the season:
TEC: How do you feel about the team’s potential for success with the upcoming baseball season?
Z: Good, we were really good 2 years ago in JV and now that we’ve matured we can have a good shot at success
TEC: Do you feel strongly about the Senior Class?
Z: Very. Guys like Brindisi, Faggiano, Seely, Galeotafiore are all looking to have great senior campaigns. Everyone loves them and we hope to play hard for them, to get the most out of their last year.
TEC: Who would you say is the locker room leader?
Z: Seely. Very vocal, funny, friendly guy. First one in, last one out.
TEC: Does the team have a favorite restaurant for after games? If so, where?
Z: Applebees, the classic combo always be hittin different
TEC: What’s the team’s hype up song and why?
Z: Welcome to the jungle, it gets us and the crowd hyped)
TEC: What other team are you going to see as the most dangerous and why?
Z: Division. They got a pretty good lineup this year, but we should be fine
TEC: What do you believe will be the key factor to success this season?
Z: Playing for the team, the logo, the town. Our pride will be a key factor.
TEC: How is Practice, and what do you guys focus on?
Z: Practice is fun, loud, with high energy. This year we’re really gonna focus on baserunning and defense mostly with hitting mixed in between.
TEC: Finally, are you guys excited for the season?
Z: Yes, everyone is excited for the start of the season. The boys have been working hard and we are ready to have a breakout season.
TEC: That’s all we have time for today. Thank you and Good luck!

Jake M. is a technical producer for BHS News. This is also his first year writing for The Eagle’s Cry. He is an alternate captain of the Bethpage Hockey...