What’s Your FAVORITE Scary Movie – The Eagle’s Cry Halloween Special

As Halloween creeps around the corner, I realize again that I’ve barely watched any classic scary movies. I asked students at BHS to assist me in picking out the best and worst horror movies. Instead of wasting your time and watching horrible horror movies, with the help of some students, we have the absolute best scary movies. I’m not an avid scary movie watcher so, here are some opinions on “popular” and well known Halloween movies.
Sophomore Nora Kerrigan said Scream was her favorite movie: “…it’s the movie that got me into watching scary movies and it’s a good movie to introduce horror movies because it’s not too scary, it’s a classic movie.”
Sophomore Gabby Hernandez said, “Scream is iconic.” So, it’s clear to me that Scream is a must-watch for this holiday season.
Or not…others like sophomores Matthew Mejia and Chris Gomez disagree. Matthew said, “There is no depth to the storyline, leading to more disappointment when it comes to the lack of cinematography.” Additionally, Chris said, “It’s terrible, the new movie was mid too.”
The most controversial movie that I mentioned… Hubie Halloween. Out of the people I interviewed 66.7% said it was overrated and 33.3% said it was perfectly rated.
Sophomore Haley Flaherty said, “[Hubie Haloween is] perfectly rated, I love Hubie Halloween so much!”.
Additionally I asked my brother, Senior, Steven Neamonitis and he said “…[Hubie Halloween] wasn’t really that good, honestly overrated.”
Hocus Pocus was another movie that was also pretty controversial during these interviews.
Sophomore Julia Coscino said, “[When watching Hocus Pocus] You just wanna make some nice chocolate chip cookies around Halloween-time, eat some candy…”
Kerrigan disagrees, “…it’s extremely overrated and overplayed…” Out of the movies I have seen, Hocus Pocus was one of them, and I did enjoy it for the most part.
A lot of everyone’s favorite scary movies have to do with the memories they shared while watching them.
Kerrigan said “On Halloween, my friends and I watched Scream on a projector in my backyard.”
Sophomore Izzy Romero said, “Watching it with my friends…”
Coscino said, “A sleepover after a party.”
It’s obvious when it comes to just about ANY movie some people will like it, and others won’t. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good movie, everyone just has different opinions. I know I will be watching all of these this Halloween season, probably will be terrified while watching but that’s what a scary movie is supposed to do!

Eva Neamonitis is a senior at Bethpage High School. She loves writing about sports, movies, and various events at Bethpage. She enjoys going to Florida,...