Can You Get Everything Done? Managing Time at BHS

Most students at BHS have jam-packed schedules, from first period to late at night. Every year, student athletes struggle to find a balance between academics, practices, games/meets, and other extracurricular activities after school. All while maintaining a high GPA and social life. The Eagle’s Cry sat down with multiple student athletes and Mr. Como, a teacher and coach at  BHS to discuss tips for balancing academics and athletics. 

Senior at BHS, Erin O’Boyle is busy all the time. Erin is a member of the varsity volleyball, basketball teams, and is also the captain of the Marine Fitness team. In addition to athletics, Erin also participates in multiple clubs and organizations such as Athletes Helping Athletes, National Honors society, and is vice president of service for the Science Honor Society.

 As an AP and honors student Erin says, “I try and get all my work done during lunch but if not right before volleyball around 3:00 or right after 6:00.”

Junior Devyn Sparke is another well-rounded student athlete at BHS. Devyn is the captain of the BHS Cross Country and Marine Fitness and member of the winter and spring track teams. When not at practice, Devyn is part of the Student Civic Key Club, French Club, and Junior Class. Devyn and many other student athletes at Bethpage find themselves finishing up their schoolwork as late as midnight.

 Devyn’s biggest recommendation is to “Always make sure to plan ahead.” Although Devyn has a hectic schedule, she makes the most out of every free moment she has during the day, completing most of her homework during lunch or in the locker room before practice. 

Mr. Como mainly teaches AP Biology and coaches the BHS Marine Fitness team. As someone who deals with student athletes on a daily basis, Mr. Como recommends that students live an “intentional life” and figure out their goals. Mr. Como stresses the importance of time management to all of his students and athletes.

 He says, “Use all the time at your disposal because fifteen minutes here and there makes all the difference in the world…time is a resource.”

Although student athletes may struggle with hectic schedules, there is always a way to get everything done. With the right time management skills and mindset, it is possible to balance all the responsibilities that come with being a student athlete at BHS.