The Eagle’s Cry Review: Harry’s House

Harry Styles is a celebrity, music artist, and legend. Every teenager in the world has probably heard of Harry Styles. Maybe you first discovered him in his early years of professional music, during his One Direction phase. He was the lead singer in this band which topped charts for several years. 

After the devastating breakup of this beloved boy band, Harry Styles began his enormously successful solo career. So far, he has released 3 albums, the latest being Harry’s House. Since the album’s release on May 20th, the tracks quickly became some of the most popular songs this year . All the songs on Harry’s House are worth a listen, however a few outshine the rest. Let’s take a deeper look at the best songs on his album and discover why they are so loved. 



Little Freak:

“Little Freak” is the 6th track on Harry’s House and can be described as a  ballad with soft melodies. The song’s lyrics bring the listener through a series of nostalgic images representing a relationship between Harry and someone who broke his heart. He describes activities they did together, as well as revealing his emotions because the woman slipped through his fingers. Harry seems to blame himself for the way the relationship ended and can’t seem to let go of his feelings for the woman being showcased in this song. 




This is by far the saddest song on the album. Throughout the song, Harry gives advice to an anonymous girl whose family seems to have failed to treat her right. The purpose is to convince the girl that she doesn’t need to feel guilty for leaving her family and finding her own way. The lyrics, “cause they never showed you love” and “You don’t have to be sorry for leavin’ and growin’ up” illustrates that people change and grow. BHS senior Cassie Peters said, “Many people connect to it and it’s relatable”. Harry knows that you aren’t defined by the way someone else treats you and he wants to teach that lesson to his fans. 




This song has quickly gained momentum since its drop, giving it a well-fit title– Fan-favorite. The song’s lyrics describe the way Styles feels about dating by showing the complexity and confusion that inevitably comes with it . For example, the lyrics “round and round” describe the mutual feelings between a couple and how their feelings transfer back and forth. The song also displays a negative feeling by portraying the way mood swings or different daily attitudes can affect passionate relationships. 



Late Night Talking:

There are many theories surrounding Harry’s inspiration for this song. The most realistic theory is that Harry wrote the song about his current girlfriend, Olivia Wilde. Harry Styles has taken to the Radio to add in his own comments about the origin of this well-loved and classic feeling song. According to Harry, “Late Night Talking” was the first song written for Harry’s House. He claims the song set the stage for the attitude of the whole album. Harry said in an interview with BBC’s Radio 1, “Yeah, it’s a lot of fun, the song’s a lot of fun and I’ve enjoyed dancing to it many a time.”



As It Was:

Fast-paced, upbeat, warm feeling and welcoming attitude are all traits describing Styles’ song “As It Was.” Originally, the song dropped as a single and quickly topped charts. In fact, the song became so popular, so quickly that it was added to the Harry’s House Album. The song gives listeners an almost nostalgic feeling especially because it starts with a real voicemail from Harry’s goddaughter. Listening to the song should make you feel like a kid again, in the best way possible. While the song evokes youthful feelings, it is in no way a childish song. The song displays a variety of deep and even dark meanings. While Harry refuses to confirm the actual inspiration for the song, fans have come up with a few theories. Some theories include his girlfriend – Olivia Wilde, his childhood trauma, or his struggles during the pandemic. Whatever the inspiration behind it, this song is definitely worth a listen. BHS senior Evi Tzortzatos said, “As It Was is such a fun song and it’s perfect for the first single on the album. The voicemail in the beginning is super unique but I think that it’s such a great way to start the song.” This song sets the scene for the high energy levels and different musical techniques explored in Harry’s House.