The Opinions of BHS Virtual Learners

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has taken the school system, forcing staff to change its means of education. In New York State, schools have come up with plans to keep the kids safe from COVID-19 while encouraging students to learn nearly at the same pace as before Coronavirus struck. 

Bethpage High School, unlike most schools on Long Island, has decided to do fully virtual or in-person instead of hybrid.  The majority of Long Island schools have implement a “hybrid option” which consists of only two days in school and three days learning virtually from home, or some other combination of same.

Many students have chosen virtual learning, including a writer for the Eagle’s Cry, this reporter, Laci Waters. She wakes up every morning and gets on nine google meets every day to complete her school day, like every other student in school. As the school year progresses, some students who started with in-person learning have switched to online learning and vice-versa.  

Along with Laci, there are lots of other students who chose the online learning system.

“I’m totally less stressed,” says Sanya Chandhok, a junior at Bethpage High School.

The students using the online learning system are grateful for all the teachers’ lenience and cooperation while they are at home. The teachers are putting their best effort into teaching their students from home.

“I wouldn’t change anything,” said Maggie Lin, a Junior.

Even though these two students see positives in this way of learning, they have found negatives as well. Some find it hard to pick up the curriculum and feel it’s more difficult to obtain knowledge from home. 

Most at-home learners find it more difficult to stay more organized at home than they would in the building. Even though now, most of the students work is completed and turned in online, even in the school building.

Some students find it easier to stay organized at home when there is one big binder with dividers and folders to separate subjects. Now, most of the students’ work is completed and turned in online. The virtual students are excited to complete this school year with a new style of education.