Anarchy! Valentina’s Review on the Burge.
The Purge series began with an idea: One night a year, for twelve hours, all crime in the United States is legal, like murder and robbery. The Purge: Anarchy continues this gruesome tradition following three stories that come together to work together.
The movie starts off with Leo preparing for Purge night with a vengeful purpose. Next, a couple’s car breaks down and they are hunted down by a group of masked men. An apartment building is raided by an army and a mother and daughter are saved by Leo. He also saves the couple who he finds hiding in his car. The rest of the movie follows their journey trying to survive the night, either running from thugs and gangs to old rich people who act all fancy and proper but then go off and kill anyone they can find.
This movie is rated R because of the 12 hours of murder and crime and occasional explicit language. Since it is such a well-made movie I would recommend it to anyone though. It isn’t necessarily a scary movie, it is more of an action horror movie.
The best scene in this movie was the scene where Leo, Shane, Liz, Cali and Eva are kidnapped and auctioned off to be hunted. They are thrown into an arena and a bunch of rich white people chant to the New Founding Fathers like some sort of cult and start hunting them, and a bunch of other old rich white people watch from above. Leo takes initiative and starts killing off the hunters one by one. The whole scene gives major Hunger Games vibes. Leo manages to kill five of the hunters and the rest of the hunters run out of the arena and then an old lady who looks like Hillary Clinton calls for backup.
This sequel is very conceptually different from the first movie. The Purge: Anarchy takes a completely different turn compared to the first movie, as does The Purge: Election Year, the third movie in the series. The Purge was more of a creepy, somewhat suspenseful movie, while Anarchy had a much higher intensity and was full of action and suspense. The first movie was actually pretty bad and if they hadn’t changed the direction of the franchise it probably would’ve failed. If you haven’t seen any of the movies the first one isn’t worth your time. Anarchy and Election Year were great though and I have yet to see the new fourth movie, The First Purge, which is a prequel that explains how the New Founding Fathers, which were a bunch of old rich white guys (are you seeing the pattern) showed up and decided to let people murder each other once a year with no punishment.

Val Grgin is a sophomore at Bethpage High School. This is her first year in journalism. If you can’t find her she is probably at cross country or track...