Benefits of Having a Pupper

Dogs make people happy. But why? Porque? Because dogs are fluffy and fun. Did you know that just petting a dog alone not only lowers the animals’ blood pressure, but your own? We interviewed beloved sophomore here at BHS, Kelly Xhumba, whose mom is unfortunately afraid of dogs, so she doesn’t have the pleasure of having a four legged friend of her own.
“I’ve always wanted a dog,” Kelly said. “I just love what happy animals they are to be entirely honest, and it’s like always having a friend over.”
Some people aren’t allowed to get pets for various reasons, however, “My mom is terrified of dogs, so it’s never been an option.”
Mr. Malossi will not be purchasing a dog for his children who desperately want one. Mr. Malossi says, “They are a lot of work. I don’t want to be walking them in the morning.” He goes as far as to tell us he took his daughter to a pet store, but isn’t getting them a dog.
People that think cats are better than dogs are foolish. Gabby Kamilar, sophomore at our very own BHS, is a firm believer in cats. Gabby ignorantly believes that “cats just know how to act,” She is wrong.
She goes on to say, “They just know when to leave you alone and when you need someone to chill with. PLUS they aren’t MAD annoying like dogs can be.” It has been statistically proven that cats are less loving towards their owners, so Ms. Kamilar’s statements are pure opinion, and based on outlandish personal experience.
At the end of the day, it all falls back on personal preference. Whereas dogs are higher maintenance, you get what you pay for. They are more fun, more loving, and a man’s best friend.

Olivia Solomon is a Junior at Bethpage High School, critically acclaimed meme expert, and sleep lover. She is fluent in sarcasm and working on learning...

Val Grgin is a sophomore at Bethpage High School. This is her first year in journalism. If you can’t find her she is probably at cross country or track...