Tony Levy: The National Champion
Tony Levy, a junior on the Bethpage Varsity Kickline team, just returned from Florida with more luggage than he left with. Him and his team once again were able to bring home the national champions’ golden trophy after their first win last year. The team won 1st place overall in their division (small varsity kick), and 2nd place for small varsity pom with their pom routine. Tony is the only boy on the kickline team, starting off with a makeshift, navy blue top and sweatpants for his routines. Now he has his own uniform, and has helped bring home two wins from nationals in Orlando, Florida.
The Eagle’s Cry: What inspired you to start kickline?
Tony Levy: I began dancing several years before joining the team, and in my freshman year, some friends from dance who were already on the team convinced my to try out, so I did.
The Eagle’s Cry: Were you nervous about being the only guy at first?
Tony Levy: Not really; I was already used to being the only guy at my dance studio, so being the only one at kickline was nothing new for me.
The Eagle’s Cry: In your opinion, what is the team’s best routine?
Tony Levy: This year, I think our pom routine was the best. It was so fun and creative, and difficult as well.
The Eagle’s Cry: What is your favorite routine to perform?
Tony Levy: I love performing pom. It’s tons and fun and different from the dance I normally do.
The Eagle’s Cry: What is your favorite style (jazz, contemporary, pom, etc)?
Tony Levy: My favorite is jazz; it’s the most similar to what I’ve always done at my studio.
The Eagle’s Cry: What do you do in terms of dressing up? The girls put on makeup and facial rhinestones, is there anything you do to stay uniform with the team?
Tony Levy: I usually put on some foundation to make my skin look clear, but not much other than that.
The Eagle’s Cry: Have you been on varsity all of your high school career?
Tony Levy: I first tried out going into 10th grade and made varsity that year.
The Eagle’s Cry: What is your favorite event to kick at? (homecoming, pep rally, games, competitions, etc.)
Tony Levy: My favorite is nationals. I love the stage and hearing the audience cheering.
The Eagle’s Cry: What made you notice your passion for dance?
Tony Levy: My mom was a gymnast as a child, which inspired to begin learning gymnastics when I was around 10, but then I found that I was more interested in dance after trying it.
The Eagle’s Cry: How long have you been dancing for?
Tony Levy: I started dancing around 5th grade, but actually took classes starting in 7th grade.
The Eagle’s Cry: Who has been your biggest supporter through it all?
Tony Levy: It’s difficult to choose one person; all my best friends, family, and dance teachers have supported me so much!

Olivia Solomon is a Junior at Bethpage High School, critically acclaimed meme expert, and sleep lover. She is fluent in sarcasm and working on learning...