What Girls Want For Valentine’s Day

What Girls Want For Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day—either you love it, or you hate it. Either way, if you’re in a relationship, as much as she says she doesn’t, she wants something. But, the question is, what exactly is it?


5.  Candy- Chocolate Covered Strawberries,

4. Flowers

3. Handmade gifts. Photo albums, Gift boxes

2. Designer stuff  (necklaces, wallets, perfumes)

1. A life size teddy bear is the big winner


Overall, you should love your significant other all other days, and this one shouldn’t be the only day to express your love and affection, and that you care. However, for those who choose to pick this day in particular to show your utmost care, these are some things your girlfriend would most likely love, and she would be greatly appreciative if receiving the gift in the customary red heart box.