Should the School Allow Kids to Get Food Delivered During School Hours?
In our high school, if you want food from outside of what our cafeteria has to serve you, you need one of two things to happen: one, you bring your food to the school yourself at 7:30; or two, you have a parent or sibling bring you takeout.
But what if you want food delivered by a postmate or a delivery man? It’s simple. The school will tell the delivery person to leave, and they will confiscate the food, leaving you hungry–along with empty pockets.
There are two sides to this story: on the school’s part, having food delivered by a postmate or such poses a security threat. A delivery person can have malicious intentions while delivering to a school, or a person could pretend to be a delivery person to get into the school, then do whatever they planned to do.
The principal, Mr. Jantz, said that he can’t see allowing students to have delivery at school in the near future. He said, “it may be chaotic, it would pose security issues, and it would possibly overwhelm the school staff.”
Daniel Sheehan, a senior at our school, said he “ordered food from Domino’s” a while ago. He got a pizza, but the catch was he had his friend’s mom deliver it for him, not the delivery person.
Now, on the other hand, some students see this as an unfair rule; others just don’t seem to see the sense behind it. Some students have allergies that make them unable to eat the school’s food, others just prefer to eat healthily–some suspect the school lunches aren’t the healthiest option. What if a student has no money on them but has a card they can use to have food delivered, and since a parent may be unable to bring the student their food, a delivery person has to bring it. Should the student’s money really be wasted on food they brought?
Mr. Jantz says that having food delivered to the food is inefficient, along with the fact that your order could be messed up, ruining the entire order, along with your lunch.
Ultimately, it seems that students are going to have to deal with the school lunches or what mom packed them for now. Until further notice, the school will prohibit students from having food delivered to the school, no matter how hungry you are. Pack a snack or bring some cash, because your Taco Bell isn’t coming today, that is if you’re having it delivered.