Battle of the Classes is Tomorrow

Battle of the Classes is just one day away and its approach is very exciting. The freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and the faculty will be playing against each other during that day. Battle of the Classes has been happening for years in Bethpage High School and is coming once again.
Battle of the Classes is usually on the Friday of Spirit Week on Class Colors Day. This year, Battle of the Classes will be on March 2nd, the Friday after midwinter break.
If you haven’t heard of Battle of the Classes, it’s a fun event that happens right after school in the gymnasium. Students compete with the other classes and the faculty with tons of games, including musical chairs, scooter races, dance competitions, and tug of war. The first place winner in Battle of the Classes will receive a trophy that the class will keep. In last year’s Battle of the Classes, the seniors won the trophy.
Art teacher Mr. DeStefano describes that “this year’s battle might have more participation and a better chance to win and have fun.”
Mr. Fazio expressed that he “really enjoys battle of the classes― it goes very well, and they added new events throughout the years. It’s pretty cool.”
The seniors leaving this year will have a last chance to do Battle of the Classes. One senior mentioned “battle of the classes is a memorable event and is a lot of fun”.
Battle of the classes is a fun event and everyone is already excited. If you want to do the dance competitions which most students do, you must attend your class meetings this week. So please come join us to the Battle of the Classes Friday March 2nd right after school in the gymnasium.

Brian is a junior at Bethpage High School. This is his first year working on the Eagles Cry. Outside journalism, he enjoys playing sports like baseball...