BHS’s Once Upon A Mattress: The Eagle’s Cry Review
Review Forthcoming:
Once Upon a Mattress is a musical comedy, and the last show the seniors will be performing before they graduate. It’s about an unhappy curse set upon a kingdom. The King Sextimus is unable to speak and his scary wife, Queen Aggravain, has taken control of the Kingdom. In an attempt to keep Prince Dauntless single, the Queen mandated that the future Princess must pass her test in order to marry her son. Unfortunately, no one else in the Kingdom may marry until the Prince has. Lady Larkin is a lady inwaiting in love with a Knight, Sir Harry. Worst of all she is pregnant with his child. Since they are unable to marry, Sir Harry is sent out to find a princess and ends up finding the amazing Princess Winnifred of Woebegone. Winnifred instantly catches the attention of Prince Dauntless, and the Queen decides to give her a “sensitivity test.” In the end, the princess is able to pass the Queen’s supposedly impassable sensitivity test. When the Queen still tries to prevent the Prince Dauntless from marrying, he tells her to ‘shut up’ which ends up breaking the curse on the King. Now able to speak, King Sextimus regains his rightful position as leader of the Kingdom, and all is well.
According to Senior Miguel Almanzar, this show “is unlike anything we’ve ever produced before. It’s a spin on a classical tale and it’s really showing how versatile and flexible our drama club is.”
Sophomore Will Katartzis added on by saying how at first they “were unfamiliar with the show and didn’t like it.” As time passed however, they have all grown fond of it and are beginning to like it’s comedy.
The seniors are glad they are graduating, but one senior, Sam Shapiro, said “it’s a little bittersweet.” The graduating class have “made so many friends over the past four years, said Keana Lee, “and it will be sad to part from all of this.”
Katelyn Harold: Princess Winifred
Ryan Bohringer: Prince Dauntless
Marco Cunha: King Sextimus
Sam Shapiro: Queen Aggravain
Keana Lee: Lady Larken
Will Katartzis: Sir Harry
Erin Jedd: The Wizard
Miguel Almanzar: The Jester
Stephen Press: The Minstrel

Lanna Delaney is a senior at Bethpage High School. It's her third year in journalism. She was born in Germany and moved to Queens at age six. At age...
Kate Schneider is in her second year of journalism. She is an officer of Stage Crew and spends most her time writing or drawing when she isn’t stressing...