Don’t Have Enough Time?
Tips on time Management
High school…it can be tough at times: waking up at 6, getting here by 7, and not being able to return home until 6:00 pm for some. Balancing school work, sports, clubs, friends, family, sleep, relaxation, health and personal sanity can be overwhelming and chaotic for a teen in high school. Teenagers have so much pressure from adults to not only do everything, but to do it well. It is easy to get stressed out and feel as though there aren’t even enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Although it feels it would be easiest to give up and do nothing, there are many ways to cope with the stress of it all and complete everything…all by properly managing your time.
With the help and advice from Bethpage High School teachers and staff, we have compiled a list of helpful tips. These could be beneficial, but only if you care enough to actually put forth an effort.
Mr. Como, an AP biology teacher here at Bethpage High School, teaches his students how to manage the workload of a difficult college course. He explained a plethora of factors get incorporated into managing one’s time. It is vital that a student works every single day to avoid the stress of waiting until the last minute, thinking you can catch up. Work of any kind should be done at a table or desk, never in bed. Lastly, Mr. Como stressed the idea of doing work without the distraction of a cell phone. A student’s cellular device should not even be in the same room as them while trying to get work done since it just becomes a distraction.
Mr. Benjamin, a guidance counselor, also provided us with some tips. Part of his job as a guidance counselor includes helping students manage their hectic schedules. He enforced the idea of prioritization and figuring out a strategy that works best for them. He also explained that students should always be aware of resources available to them and use them to their advantage. Lastly and most enthusiastically, Mr. Benjamin stated to “always stay positive!”
Mrs. Rito, an Italian teacher also gave us some tips for how we can manage time more efficiently. Mrs. Rito keeps a calendar above her desk at her home office as well as on her phone so she remembers what she has to get done. She personally works best in the morning however, she conveys it is very important to understand your own body and figure out when and how you work best. Furthermore, she tells us not to get frustrated since managing time is a process that takes time and that prioritizing what’s important is key. She especially stressed that making time for yourself is essential to being successful. You have to take breaks to have some fun every once in awhile and enjoy and refresh yourself.
Do you have any time-saving tips? Leave them in the comments section.

Marisa McCarthy is a junior at Bethpage High School. She participates on the school’s Marine Fitness and Track team. In her free time she likes to read,...

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