College Deadlines Loom for BHS Seniors
November 15th is right around the corner, and that means the first college due date is coming up. November 1st is the first due date for many colleges and enrollees can expect to receive their results in the middle of December.
The college process is a very strenuous time for all high school seniors by all accounts. There are many steps in this process that lead to final papers being submitted. First, a student must ask two teachers of their choice to write recommendation letters to colleges talking up his accomplishments. The teachers also feel stress to get their recommendation letters done.
The next step in the process is filling out your resume. Usually, students tend to fill up this sheet with all the accomplishments that they’ve completed throughout their entire high school career. Many times, this is the easiest step in the process.
Once that is completed, you must hand in your College/Scholarship Application Processing Form, or yellow sheets. These are to be handed into Mrs. Wing in the guidance office so that the colleges you are applying to can be added to Naviance and Common App. Without these sheets, no colleges will be added to your account, and no resumes, transcripts, or any other college related documents will be sent.
Writing your college essay is the next step in the process. You have the option of writing it from five different prompts, but in reality they are all asking the same question. Writing the essay may take some time, but once you finish writing it and submitting it, you are almost done with what you need to do.
“Stressful,” said senior Nicole Ferone. “That’s the word for it. It’s the only chance that the colleges get to see something other than your test scores, grades, and all the other number shenanigans.”
After finishing the requirements needed by colleges on common app, seniors need to make sure that all your important papers are handed in. They also need to make sure that they have submitted your SAT and ACT scores, as the school does not submit those for students.
This is one Mr Lynch’s, Bethpage High School’s senior seminar teacher, most-emphasized parts of the process. He said,” hopefully they listen to me and go over their applications.”
However, he still, “[doesn’t] worry about the students in the process. With the Guidance Office’s help, [he] think[s] they’ll be fine.”
Finally, you’re done with submitting your college applications, and you now have to begin the waiting process. That may be the longest, hardest part about the entire ordeal, but once you hear back from the colleges, you can take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your senior year, as college will be right around the corner.

Steven Sciglibaglio is seventeen years of age and a senior at Bethpage High School. This is his third year working on The Eagle’s Cry and his second...