Marine Bio and APES Take Field Trip to Fire Island

On Thursday, October 26, the Marine Biology and the AP Environmental Science classes took a trip to the Sunken Forest in Fire Island, leaving out of Sayville on a ferry in the morning.

The Sunken Forest is a rare and unique maritime environment. Since the forest is located in the lee of a sand dune, it gives the appearance that it is below sea level. The most common tree that will be seen is the American Holly, they are the oldest trees in the forest. There are other types of trees too but in smaller numbers like, Sassafras and Shadblow, Black Oak, Sour Gum, Red and Swamp Maple, Red Cedar, Black Cherry and Pitch Pine. On the forest’s understory there is also Catbrier, Poison Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Inkberry and Blueberry. And yes, the blueberries can be eaten! On the forest’s floor, there are several different species of Ferns, Mosses and Cattails.

Marine Bio student Kierstin Bloom said, “the walk through the Sunken Forest was great! Looking at all of the foliage changing color and falling off of the trees was so nice to look at. I also learned a lot about the history of the Sunken Forest and how it formed.”

Senior Dylan Zuk said, “The Sunken Forest was a lot of fun. I learned so much interesting facts about it, and the scenery was great.”

The Sunken Forest is a place people should visit at least one time in their life. The foliage of the trees and all of the different types of vegetation and animal life is something people of all ages can learn about.