Witness the Return of High Five Friday to BHS

And so it was that “High Five Friday” began anew…

Today, September 4, 2015, students entering through the main lobby were met with a jolt of unexpected energy for 7:30 in the morning. Teachers, music, food, you name it! All were present and accounted for on this fine Friday. Held traditionally (as of late last year) on the last Friday of every month, BHS simply couldn’t wait any longer for high five festivities. The event was brought to the high school by Assistant Principal Mr. Tocco, and has been growing in popularity ever since.
Teachers grinned widely, students tried to do the same, and music blasted through the halls: it was pure joy for all. Senior Laura Russo was particularly in favor of the event’s return, saying, “ I love the energy of High Five Friday. It’s a good way to start off the day.”IMG_2545