BHS Juniors Inducted into the National Honor Society
On Wednesday, May 22nd, top-achieving BHS juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS). Friends and family of the 105 inductees gathered to witness the students become official members.
“It’s a night to celebrate the accomplishments of these wonderful students,” said NHS advisor Mr. Lynch. ”They are the best of Bethpage.”
The students rehearsed long before the beginning of the ceremony to assure that it would be a wonderful, flawless night. Mission accomplished.
When it was time to begin, the current Honor Society president, Chris Tempesta, led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by junior inductee Emily Marczak’s marvelous rendition of the National Anthem.
“It was a stirring performance,” said NHS inductee Jill Leavey.
Following that, Mr. Lynch, BHS principal Mr. Spence, and Bethpage superintendent Mr. Clark all gave well-received speeches regarding why these young men and women are worthy of induction.
After the speeches came the candlelight ceremony and recitation of the NHS pledge. Thankfully, nobody burned themselves or another inductee with their open flames. With wonderful music accompaniment by junior Michelle Vayner, the audience then witnessed each inductee sign the National Honor Society book of past inductees.
Altogether, the night was planned perfectly, but would not have been the same without one very special inductee: our classmate Joey Boncic. In honor of his heart-breaking and recent passing, his sister Katarina Boncic so kindly signed the book in his stead. All the newly distinguished members wore purple cancer awareness pins to honor him.
When the ceremonial part of the night was over, students and family were invited to dinner afterwards in the cafeteria.