Students Recognize Teachers, and Vice Versa
On April 22nd, the district awarded Teacher of Excellence Awards to 10 exceptional seniors. Teachers nominate a number of students from the senior class, and the students in turn nominate one elementary, one middle school, and one high school teacher each. The students pick teachers who influenced them during their schooling.
Senior Isabella Bradley said, “I was honored to have been nominated, and it was a really hard choice, because I had a lot of teachers who influenced me.”
The evening started with a performance by Mr. Stehlik’s jazz band, which dazzled the audience with some light, seasonal tunes. Dinner was served after the first five awards were given out. Students spoke about their teachers, sometimes humorously, sometimes touchingly, bringing out old anecdotes from their time in Bethpage classrooms.
“Knowing that I had an impact on a student’s life brought joy to my heart,” said Mr. Pollatos.
Students seemed to enjoy the night, posing for pictures afterwards with their favorite teachers.
“It was nice to let people know good things about the teachers I had,” said Liam Alfred, the sole male recipient of this prestigious award. “I was truly honored.”

Alissa Seiter, Bethpage High School Senior, Eagle’s Cry Editor, and American Idol Season Seven Runner Up, enjoys taking long walks on the beach and writing...